S-IVBAntennaeReverseMasked - Sunday, June 7, 2009 22:43
There are lots of antennae on the top of the S-IVB, painted white (whereas the background is black). I reverse-masked these, then brushed on some liquid mask, cut around the area to remain white, and removed the tape. You can see the bluish square on the IU (top center): this area will also remain white, against the black background; it's already masked. I should also have masked a second square to the right of the first on the IU: the later Apollo missions had two white patches on the IU, the earlier ones had one. There are white decals for both included in the kit, though, so this wasn't a serious problem: just meant paint for this one, decal for the one I'd missed.
Album last updated on Sunday, August 23, 2009 13:28